The importance of chewing in memory and learning

One of the most significant problems in humans is the deterioration of memory function and learning ability over the course of life. It can be due to several causes, such as normal ageing, but there are also other causes such as masticatory function. As explained in the scientific article of the Revista Mexicana de Neurociencia with reference Rev Mex Neuroci November-December, 2014; 15(6): 351-354 which can be downloaded in PDF by Dr. Aguirre-Siancas Elías Ernesto from the Laboratory of Physiology and Pharmacology. Faculty of Dentistry. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru.

Classically, chewing is understood as an eminently digestive function, being the first process through which food must pass in order to be swallowed and processed in the digestive tract, but nowadays it is beginning to be understood that the chewing function is also very important, not only for food intake, but also for psychological, physical and cognitive functions. Animal research has shown that the loss of teeth or jaw asymmetry leads to an impaired chewing function. jaw imbalancewhich, in the long termends up generating the loss of neurons in certain parts of the brain. People with temporomandibular disorders have an asymmetry in the activity of the muscles involved in chewing, which leads to decreased activity in certain areas of the brain. This leads to cognitive impairment. A study conducted in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that chewing activates the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which acts as a nerve growth factor, as well as a growth factor protein that aids the survival and differentiation of existing neurons, enhances the growth and differentiation of new neurons and synapses. However, This only occurs when the trigeminal is activated symmetrically.

These studies indicate that taking care of our mouth is not only an aesthetic issue but also has an impact on the brain as it can lead to significant cognitive impairment. However, perhaps more worryingly, recent research also shows that chewing problems lead to short-term changes in brain activity.

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