The Functional Orthopaedics of the Maxillae addresses imbalances in bone, muscle and jaw function, tooth alignment and TMJ problems. Through neuroocclusal rehabilitation, it is possible to direct the growth and development of patients' jaw bone bases, providing facial harmony and balance of functions such as breathing, swallowing, chewing and speech.
It should be treated as soon as a malocclusion is diagnosed.
The earlier the treatment the better. Functional orthopaedics of the jaws is the only speciality that has the necessary tools to treat from an early age. To prevent the problem from becoming severe or even surgical. Remember that a malocclusion alters our basic and physiological functions of our organism.
That is why it is important to see a specialist before the age of 2 to act preventively, to learn to recognise the signs and signals of malocclusion in order to treat it in time if necessary.
Functional Orthopaedics of the jaws uses devices that do not exert forces or pressures The appliances are in fact loose-fitting, in order to generate a subtle and constant stimulus. They are comfortable and painless.
Functional orthopaedic appliances are used to change the activity of the masticatory muscles, stimulating the growth of the bones and therefore the teeth erupt correctly if they have not yet erupted or are aligned if they are crowded. Rehabilitating basic physiological functions of our organism such as chewing, swallowing, phonation and breathing.
When the patient presents lack of orofacial muscle tone or strength associated with oral habits:
It is recommended to work together with functional myotherapy.
In general, these exercises should be done daily and with the help of a professional, speech therapist, and with the appliance in the mouth. They should be progressive until the objectives are achieved.
In our blog you have a small sample of a myofunctional training programme.
Case of tongue thrust open bite and atypical swallowing.
Tongue frenulum preventing proper tongue mobility.
After the ligual frenectomy surgery the patient underwent myofunctional therapy, and this alone changed his occlusion.
Case of anterior crossbite with aragao function regulator at an early age.
Case of oral bite with bruxism and unilateral chewing. Delayed eruption by 2 years.
Hola mi nombre es Alberto Ortega tengo el gusto de venir a la clinica del Dr Mico desde Gandía, el cual ya hace 20 años me puso 5 implantes, de los cuales estoy muy satisfecho. Ahora me ha puesto 4 frontales inferiores donde los tenia muy mal y me ha quedado estupendamente, no esperaba menos de este señor, el cual tiene unas manos dirigidas por dios, además muy contento con la clínica de todo lo que le acompaña, así que prometo y recomiendo a todas las personas. Estoy muy agradecido por este señor. Alberto el Crack22/05/2024 Grandes profesionales, estoy muy contenta con el trato y la atención recibida. En mi caso acudí para colocarme un implante dental con el Dr. Jose Maria Mico. Montse Herrerias Prados20/05/2024 Excelentes profesionales. Encarna Rozalen15/04/2024 Trato amable y familiar y la clínica, bonita limpia y espaciosa. Nada que objetar. ROSI MUÑOZ CLEMENTE09/04/2024 Quede muy satisfecha con la profesionalidad y atencion María Castellote04/04/2024 Excelente trato y servicio, calidad humana y profesional. Precios ajustados a los tiempos y a la calidad. Lo recomiendo al 100% Juliet Juliet15/03/2024 Mi hijo y yo estamos encantados de la evolución de los dientes de mi hijo, Teresa es un encanto a la vez que el personal que se rodea. Maria Cristina Monfort06/03/2024 Como siempre un trato muy profesional . Aunque visitar una clinica odontología es sinónimo de dolor, en este caso todo perfecto y sin molestias. Jose Cayetano Royo Blasco06/03/2024
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