Headache, caused by bruxism

bruxism headache

Do you suffer from headaches, jaw pain or toothache?

Bruxism can be the cause of migraines and headaches, back pain, vertigo, even facial deformity. Many dentists believe that this habit is caused by stress and anxiety, but it can also be caused by misaligned teeth, mouth breathing... It has no defined age and can be suffered by anyone, even children.


How does bruxism cause headaches?

One of the most common complaints among bruxism sufferers is headaches. This pain is due to the accumulated tension in the jaw muscles, which, when under constant pressure during the day or night, can lead to migraines and headaches. In many cases, people suffering from bruxism headaches do not associate the symptoms with dental health, which can delay proper treatment.


What are the most common causes?

Bruxism has an origin multifactorialThe causes of dental problems, among which bad breathing habits, stress and sleep disorders or malocclusion of the teeth play an important role. Whatever the cause, it is best to have an evaluation by a dental professional to seek corrective measures.

Bruxism is not only for adults. Depending on the studies, it appears that almost all of the 80% of the general population are bruxers at some point in their lives. The 25% of children are and 20-25% of adults are daytime bruxers. In addition, a increase of 30% among pre-adolescentsbetween 10 and 12.

At Midsa Odontología we use the HUMAN BODY TOTAL CARE (HBTC) protocol with ARAGÂO FUNCTION REGULATOR (AFR)The intraoral appliance, similar to those of Functional Orthopaedics, is placed in the mouth. This allows us to allows the treatment of multiple diseases, such as bruxism, without the need for medication and in a biological way, by restoring oral functions to normal activity thereby treating the cause of the disease that produces the symptoms.

At our Dental Clinic in Valencia, we are specialists at TMJ dysfunctionsWe also treat other pathologies through the mouth, with a high success rate. Since we treat the trigeminal nerve sensitisation which alters the functions of all the nerves that regulate the functions of the mouth and face producing orofacial pain. 

Avoiding the use of medicines and allowing for the realisation of a normal life. If you suffer from this pathology, do not hesitate to call and make an appointmentWe will be happy to help you.


How do we treat orofacial pain caused by bruxism?

At our dental clinic in Valencia, we are specialists in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunctions and other pathologies affecting the mouth and face. Thanks to our focus on trigeminal nerve sensitisation, we manage to reduce orofacial pain by treating the nerves that regulate the functions of the mouth and face, which can alleviate headaches caused by bruxism.

Tips for relieving bruxism headaches

In addition to professional treatment, lifestyle changes can help reduce symptoms. Wearing a night splint recommended by your dentist, practising muscle relaxation techniques and avoiding caffeine before bedtime are effective steps to reduce the frequency and intensity of bruxism headaches.

When should you consult a dentist?

If you experience frequent headaches, especially on waking, or feel tension in your jaw, it is advisable to see a dentist who specialises in bruxism. At Midsa DentistryWe are ready to assess your situation and offer you an effective treatment that will not only alleviate your symptoms, but also allow you to lead a normal life without the need for medication.

Do not hesitate to call us and make an appointment, we will be happy to help you improve your quality of life.

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