Why do we say this? There are many symptoms of sleep disordered breathing, you might even be surprised, which is why it should not be taken lightly.
It has been shown that children who snore in early childhood tend to have lower academic performance than those who do not. School-aged children also have symptoms of hyperactivity and inattention and may be labelled with ADHD. Studies show increased symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing in people diagnosed with ADHD.

Symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing:

↠ Snoring
↠ Mouth breathing/dry mouth
↠ Night sweats
↠ Constant nasal congestion
↠ Night terrors
↠ Drooling
↠ Excitement confusion
↠ Irritability
↠ Restless sleep
↠ Noisy/heavy breathing
↠ Adenotonsillar hypertrophy
↠ Sleepwalking
↠ Allergies
↠ Asthma
↠ Daytime sleepiness
↠ Bed-wetting
↠ Hyperactivity / inattentiveness
↠ Difficulty waking up in the morning
↠ Morning headache
↠ Dark circles under the eyes
↠ Sleeping in the knee-chest position
↠ Sleeping in the neck-back position
↠ Insomnia
↠ Learning difficulties
↠ Behavioural problems
↠ Delayed puberty
↠ Crooked teeth
↠ Mood disturbance - depression
↠ Hypertension

You die, don't you? That is why it should be considered a serious syndrome and thanks to functional dentistry we can treat it.

Have you noticed any of these symptoms in your child? If so, give us a call on 961 54 54 61

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