Mouth breathing causes crooked teeth

mouth breathing and crooked teeth

Mouth breathing causes crooked teeth

Yes, mouth breathing has many adverse effects in both adults and children. Correct tongue posture and nasal breathing are crucial.

Over time, children whose mouth breathing goes untreated may suffer from abnormal facial and dental development, such as elongated and narrow faces and mouths, gummy smiles, gingivitis and crooked teeth. Poor sleep habits resulting from mouth breathing can negatively affect growth, behaviour and academic performance.

In adults, chronic mouth breathing can cause bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease. In addition to dry mouth, misaligned teeth, snoring, difficulty sleeping and fatigue. It can also worsen symptoms of other diseases.
It is best for both children and adults to get treatment early and as soon as possible.

If this is your case or that of someone you know, don't hesitate to call us and we will present the treatment and answer your questions.

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