celiac disease

The Celiac disease (CD) is a systemic, immune-mediated disease caused by the gluten and related prolamins in genetically susceptible individuals. For some, what is a necessary protein in their diet is a problem in their daily routine for others who suffer from this intolerance.

It is estimated that around 75% of coeliac disease cases still are undiagnosed.

Dentists are currently one of the sectors of healthcare that are diagnosing more cases of coeliac disease, as this intolerance causes symptoms in our oral cavity.

One of the problems associated with coeliac condition is the defects on the surface of the enamel, changes in tooth colour with stains white, yellow or brown, easily broken teeth, affecting incisors and molars always symmetrically.

There are other symptoms that can alert the dentist if a person suffers from gluten intolerance, such as structural defects due to poor calcium absorption, delayed eruption of permanent teeth, canker sores and inflammation of the oral mucosa.

It is estimated that the dental affectation appears in the 69% of cases of patients with coeliac disease. 

Therefore, if you are already diagnosed with coeliac disease, be cautious when using gluten-free toothpastes and gels. Regarding the above mentioned aesthetic and structural dental symptoms, visit your dentist for individualised hygiene instructions and treatments to strengthen your tooth structure with bioactive materials.

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