Today we are going to discuss the Myobrace® myofunctional orthodonticswhich, as you already know and as we have explained on this website, is available for primary dentition, children and adolescents. Yes, even teenagers, you may wonder what it consists of....

The system Myobrace for adolescents is a 4-stage device that allows:

  • Correction of bad habits
  • Arcade development
  • Dental alignment

It is indicated when the permanent teeth have erupted and guides the eruption of the teeth into their best natural position.

In the following we will explain what each consists of stage:

Stage 1: The soft material allows for better retention and comfort in the initial stages of treatment. The key to this treatment is correcting the position and function of the tongue, obtaining nasal breathing and retraining the peribuccal and oral muscles to function correctly.

Hold the appliance with the tongue tag facing upwards and place it in your mouth, keeping your tongue in the position where the tongue tag is. Close your mouth over the appliance, keep your lips together and breathe through your nose.

Stage 2: Provides arch development and continues to correct bad oral habits. It has an internal skeleton that helps the correct development of the arch, favouring dental alignment.

Stage 3Arch form development: Aids in the development of the arch form by providing more space for erupting dentition and indentations that separate and align the anterior teeth.

Stage 4Provides final alignment of the teeth and jaws as well as excellent retention due to the firm polyurethane material.

Myobrace Case Example:

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