Tooth enamel wear

Wear or erosion of tooth enamel by acids or chemicals is an increasingly common condition in the dental practice.

The erosion from enamel is one of the many causes of toothache. The tooth erosion is produced when excessively acidic substances wear down the tooth enamelwhich is a hard outer layer that gives teeth their structure, is left exposed to the dentine, causing tooth sensitivity.

Some of the symptoms of dental erosion are as follows:

  • Tooth discolouration: if the enamel is damaged due to tooth erosion, the natural white of the teeth is lost, giving way to a more yellowish shade.
  • Dental sensitivity: As the dentine is exposed by dental erosion, the teeth are much more sensitive to external agents. For this reason, it is common to feel a sharp pain after eating certain foods, sugary foods or drinks, especially hot or cold ones.
  • Wear and tear of teethThe teeth may change shape, become more rounded, or small cracks may appear. Some transparency may also appear at the edges of the teeth, which may lose their opacity.

How to prevent enamel erosion?

  • Reduce intake of acidic and carbonated foods and drinks and if drinking occasionally, advise the use of straws to avoid direct contact with teeth.
  • Avoid foods, such as lemon, garlic,... that can cause an increase in gastro-oesophageal reflux.
  • Increasing acid resistance by means of a fluoride therapyIt has been shown that the erosive effects of acids can be minimised by the application of fluoride both in varnish and topically applied.
  • Recommend daily oral hygiene treatment with fluoride toothpastes and mouthwashes as they have been shown to help prevent dental erosion.
  • Use of calcium and phosphatesignificantly reduce the erosive potential of various acidic agents.
  • Beware of the brushingTooth erosion: People who suffer from tooth erosion and use abrasive toothpastes can significantly aggravate enamel loss.

As we always say, don't miss the opportunity to attend at least once a year to your dental clinic trusted for routine review.

Thus, in the event that you present erosion or any oral problemsThe early stages can be addressed.

If you have any questions regarding wear and tear, we invite you to contact us by calling us at 961 54 54 61.

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