obstructive apnoea

Sleep Disorders are increasingly being recognised in our society as a serious and serious problem. Public Health problem. The most common are: snoring, obstructive sleep apnoeanarcolepsy, insomnia, nocturnal bruxism and restless legs syndrome. Sleep deprivation due to the type of occupation of the individual also attenuates both the individual's attention and cognitive processing, and also produces dysfunctional psychological sequelae.

In today's post we are going to discuss the consequences of obstructive sleep apnoea a disorder that is largely unrecognised and often ignored. 

People with severe sleep apnoea may have an increased risk of silent stroke symptoms as well as small lesions in the brain, according to a study. The study found a markedly high frequency of sleep apnoea in people who had a stroke, highlighting its clinical relevance as a risk factor for stroke.

In addition to the risk of stroke, here are other consequences of this disorder.

More than two million Spaniards suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome, a pathology in which the dentist plays a decisive role in both diagnosis and treatment. If you suspect you suffer from Sleep Apnoea, don't let it pass you by and ask for an appointment at Midsa and we will answer all your questions about our treatment.

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