
Today 11th April is World Parkinson's Day, so today we are going to give some tips and advice for those who suffer from this disease.

Parkinson's disease is a chronic, degenerative disease of the nervous system characterised by lack of coordination and muscle stiffness and tremors. The people most affected by the disease are the elderly. Patients with Parkinson's disease have increased risks in relation to their oral health.

As a consequence of the medication that these patients have to take, saliva production is reduced and consequently its antibacterial qualities and digestive enzymes are reduced, as well as causing dryness and swallowing difficulties. One of the causes of reduced saliva production is an increased risk of caries and periodontal disease.

Muscle weakness is another of the symptoms of this disease that can cause difficulties in swallowing, chewing and, in some cases, drooling. It is therefore advisable to visit a speech therapist who can help us with exercises to strengthen the muscles in the area and thus reduce the symptoms.

If the patient wears dentures, the muscle weakness associated with this disease can cause ulcers, irritation of the gums and palate, it is important that the denture is well designed and fits the patient perfectly.

A study, developed at the Ta-Tung Municipal Hospital in Kaohsiungin Taiwan found that maintaining good oral health reduced the risk of pneumonia in patients with Parkinson's disease. As the research showed, control of the oral health of oral biofilm formation through good oral hygiene was able to reduce the number of respiratory pathogens, thereby reducing the risk of pneumonia, a common respiratory disease in patients with more advanced stages of Parkinson's disease. This study is just one example of how oral health can influence the overall health status of these patients.

To avoid all these problems it is very important to visit the dentist to check the condition of your teeth to prevent it from developing into more serious pathologies.

In your daily dental hygiene it is important to clean your teeth thoroughly. Electric toothbrushes can make this easier. In addition, it is recommended that you use mouthwash to rinse your mouth so that it is completely clean. Ask your dentist which one is right for you.

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