When to visit a paediatric dentist?

The first visit to the paediatric dentist should take place even before the first milk tooth erupts. This is a very quick and easy check-up of the mouth, to detect any alteration in the first teeth, tongue, frenulum (the cause of not being able to breastfeed properly and it is therefore necessary in these cases to perform a frenectomy).
In addition, parents are taught how to brush their child's teeth and we explain which toothbrush and toothpaste to use. We also inform you about the use of dummies and bottles, digital suction, cariogenic foods... Thus preventing caries in the future.
We will also monitor whether your child breathes through the nose and keeps the mouth closed at rest; also whether he/she bites backwards on the sides or anteriorly and whether the upper teeth cover the lower teeth; how he/she pronounces the s, z and r; whether he/she sleeps well, whether he/she snores, grinds his/her teeth a lot, etc.
A timely solution will help their face to develop harmoniously and avoid complex problems to solve in the future.
By taking our children to the paediatric dentist from an early age we will save a lot of trouble, time and money and they will be healthy and happy.

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