When should I take my child to a paediatric dentist?

When should I take my child to the first visit to the paediatric dentist? Many parents have doubts about this issue, or it generates anxiety because of negative experiences they have had or because of a lack of knowledge.

Well, the right age to take your child to the paediatrician is at one year of age, when the child already has its first teeth. This will ensure that the family acquires adequate hygiene habits, that the baby's oral functions and craniofacial development are monitored and, most importantly, that trust is established between the professional and the parents and the patient.

The paediatric dentist shall carry out the following tasks guidelines:

  • Caries preventioncaries lesions can progress rapidly in young children causing pain, infection, impairment of nutrition and quality of life. They can often lead to the need for endodontic treatment and even tooth extractions.
    In its first stage, caries appears as a demineralised area on the tooth, a white spot. With early diagnosis, it is possible to halt the progression and prevent further damage.
  • Guidance on the introduction of the sugar in the child's diet to minimise the risk of early childhood caries, as well as the importance of oral hygiene habits, which should start with the use of a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride.
  • The sucking habits and tooth eruption.
  • The chewing and nasal breathing are important factors for the growth and development of the child's face. The paediatric dentist will assess these, as some changes in dental occlusion can be corrected at an early age to allow for balanced chewing and proper growth.

Oral health is related to general health and quality of life, which is why you should take your child to a paediatric dentist from the earliest months.

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