What to do if a tooth is knocked out?

In the face of a dental trauma you have to be quick, don't play them down, even if the tooth is a baby tooth. we are going to explain everything in today's post.

Dental trauma can cause infection, can hurt, can cause alterations in occlusion or aesthetic alterations, so we must be vigilant and know what to do when the time comes.

In the case of baby teeth, when they suffer trauma, it is also important, as although the baby teeth will fall out in due course, the permanent teeth are developing underneath them and therefore, in the event of trauma, these can be affected.

What types of dental trauma are there?

  • Concussion: This occurs when, due to trauma, the tooth has become embedded in the gum, it does not usually bleed, but it does hurt. It is important to take the child to the paediatric dentist within 24 hours for evaluation and treatment.

  • FractureThe tooth has been broken by the blow, it may be that the part of the tooth that can be seen has been broken, but fractures can also occur in the root that cannot be seen. It is very important if you can pick up the piece of tooth that has broken, put it in serum or milk and go immediately to the paediatric dentist. If it has not broken on the outside, we should also go to the dentist as we may not be able to see the injury but it is there.

  • SubluxationIt happens when the blow causes the tooth to move from its usual position. You should also see a paediatric dentist as soon as possible, just as you would if you dislocated a shoulder or a leg...

  • AvulsionThis happens when the tooth flies out, in this case you have to be extremely quick. The first thing to do is to look for the tooth, put it in saline or milk, and run to the paediatric dentist, the first 15 minutes are crucial, so the quicker you are the better the chances of reimplanting the tooth.

Therefore, never underestimate the importance of blows to the mouth/teeth, pay attention to changes in the colour of the tooth after trauma, and always take the child to the paediatric dentist to rule out injuries.

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