The enamel dental is the most common tissue hard of the human body, but at the same time it is very fragile. It is the part more surfacel of the tooth and is responsible for protect a softer layer called dentine. Our enamel is greatly affected by caries and fractures.

In recent times, excessive wear and tear is being found due to causes such as the bruxism and the diet. And we must bear in mind that the wear and tear on our enamel is lifelong.

That's why today we offer you some tips on how to take care of your nail polish:

- First of all, a good dental hygiene with a medium-hard toothbrush, correct brushing technique and fluoride toothpaste.

-      Review annual visit to the dentist.

-      Avoid meals sugared.

-      Avoid foodstuffs that are very acidssuch as juices or beverages carbonated. And if you are going to drink them, do so with a straw, which will reduce contact with your teeth.

- Do not bite hard foods and do not bite your nails, as this can fracture or wear away your nail polish.

- Detection of pathologies such as bruxism which causes wear of the enamel and dentine. With the corresponding placement of the splint discharge.

Follow these tips, prevention is always better!

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