Healthy breathing in children

healthy breathing in children

Healthy breathing depends on many factors, such as proper growth and development of the jaws and airways. Sometimes, however, this does not happen in the right way. One of the tools we have to help create a healthy airway in children is orthodontics. It goes beyond traditional braces, and gives us many ways to help your child enjoy healthy breathing and straight teeth.

When can Orthodontics help your child?

  • Sleep Disorders of Breathing
  • Crowded milk teeth
  • Wear and chipping of teeth
  • Deep or too closed bite
  • Open bite
  • Crossbite
  • Highlight
  • Badly positioned teeth
  • Concentration problems
  • Language problems
  • Swallowing problems
  • And a long etc.

Most people think of orthodontics only as a way to straighten teeth. 
However, orthodontics can do much more than straighten teeth. Orthodontics can encourage the growth of the jaws and palate, which in turn can expand the airway and help the child breathe more easily. This can be done at the same time as straightening teeth.

We have the best options.?

In the past, orthodontic options were limited. These days, there are multiple options for orthodontics. These include:

  • Invisible Orthodontics
  • Myofunctional Orthodontics: Aragao Function Regulator

If your child has signs of breathing disorders and you are concerned about crooked teeth, orthodontics can treat both problems at the same time. To find out how orthodontics can help your child, call us today.


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