Tooth loss?

The loss of teeth is unfortunately more common than we think. The loss of these teeth can be caused by dental trauma, caries, caused by bruxism that weakens and wears down the teeth, they can even fracture, periodontitis, among other causes.

When one or more teeth are lost, the oral structure becomes unbalanced and a series of problems arise that can seriously damage dental health, as the mouth is a whole designed to function as a whole.

What happens when a piece is missing?

  • Bone lossWhen a tooth is missing, the bone tends to suffer a loss of bone mass. To avoid bone wear and bone resorption, it is necessary to place a dental implantIt is the only dental treatment that avoids this problem, as well as being the one that offers the best results in the short and long term.
  • Displacement of other teeth: Teeth tend to shift in the gaps left by the loss of a tooth. When one or more teeth are lost, the teeth adjacent to the gap move and this tends to cause crowding and dental malocclusion. In cases where tooth displacement has already occurred, the teeth need to be returned to their original positionby orthodonticsto leave the necessary space for the placement of a dental implant.
  • Poor chewinga bad bite due to the loss of a tooth means that the patient has to take a worse chewing. And this poor chewing means eating less finely ground food, heavier digestionsand in the long run can lead to gastric problems.
  • Aesthetic consequences: Losing one or more teeth changes the smile completely, and sometimes these losses can bring us a aged appearance y neglected that can affect the image we want to convey of ourselves.

For all these reasons, it is essential for your mouth and your health in general at Midsa Odontología we are dental implant specialistsWith them you will not only recover the aesthetics of your smile and the functionality of your bite, but you will also protect your other teeth and the bone, preventing further loss.

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