Mouth breathing changes your child's features

Does breathing through the mouth deform the face?

This is one of the questions most frequently asked at our dental clinic in Valencia by mothers and fathers concerned about their children's dental health.

As we have seen in some previous posts we know that the position of the tongue in the mouth is an important factor that affects the development of the face. When breathing through the mouth or simply opening the mouth, the tongue naturally falls downwards and is no longer attached to the palate, which is what happens when the mouth is closed and we breathe through the nose.

If the tongue is not positioned correctly, it will exert abnormal force on the teeth when swallowing or resting, which can cause the teeth to protrude and become uneven. Long-term mouth breathing can also cause the jaw to recede, facial muscles to stiffen and the cervical spine to tilt forward. As shown in the picture:

In addition to worsening the appearance, long term mouth breathing can also affect mental development due to poor breathing and hypoxia. In severe cases, it can cause decreased memory, slowed response and lower IQ. Snoring and holding your breath at night may cause brain hypoxia, which not only affects intelligence, but can also affect the release of growth hormone.which eventually leads to short stature. Therefore, mouth breathing cannot be ignored and the consequences are many.


How can parents know if their child is breathing through the mouth?

If you observe the following behaviours in your child on a daily basis, it is recommended that you visit the clinic for treatment:

1- Mouth open at night, frequent snoring, restless sleep

2- Chapped lips, unpleasant odour in the mouth, hoarse voice

3- Daytime apathy, inattentiveness, irritability

4- Heavy nasal sounds, etc.

At Midsa we are specialists in the treatment of this pathology using the Aragao function regulator technique (RFA), is a treatment that reaches all parts of the human body from the mouth, integrating the functions of the encephalic nerves, such as breathing, chewing, swallowing, smell, taste, hearing, balance and vision.


How to correct mouth breathing?

Breathing through the mouth can not only cause bad breath and dryness, but also affect oral health, leading to problems such as cavities and dental malpositions. To correct this habit, it is essential to see a dentist.

A dentist will be able to identify the cause, which may be related to structural problems such as an incorrect bite or overgrowth of the tonsils. In addition, he or she may recommend solutions such as orthodontic appliances or myofunctional therapy to improve nasal breathing.

Don't let mouth breathing affect your health, see your dentist and get proper treatment!

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