
Atypical swallowing is caused by improper positioning of the tongue when swallowing food. The consequence is that the teeth move forward as the tongue presses on the upper or lower incisors. For this reason, orthodontic treatment is often necessary in collaboration with the dentist. speech therapist. The orthodontist recommend treatment myofunctional to correct the inappropriate habit.

Atypical swallowing often causes the lips, cheeks and tongue to have little strength, and the habit of remaining with the tongue and lips to remain in the mouth. open mouthis also associated with a mouth breathing. Often this chewing problem makes it difficult for children to eat certain foods and they are considered bad eaters.

The joint treatment of the orthodontist and the speech therapist offers great benefits for the patient, shortens treatment times and achieves optimal results. If your child suffers from this problem, at Midsa we carry out myofunctional orthodontic treatments in collaboration with speech therapists. We will be delighted to help you.

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