Periodontitis, something very serious.


Gingivitis and periodontitis (pyorrhoea) are very common diseases caused by bacteria that we have in our mouths and that we can transmit to each other. If these bacteria are not eliminated correctly, they affect the gums and cause inflammation. The inflammation then moves under the gums and destroys the bone and tissues that support the teeth, causing them to move and fall out, as well as possible inflammatory alterations in the rest of the body.

The symptoms are clear:

- Reddening of the gums.

- Bleeding gums when brushing (bleeding gums are always a symptom of disease). Attention, smokers do not bleed even if they are infected.

- Retraction of the gums with the sensation of longer teeth.

- Increased sensitivity of teeth to cold.

- Appearance of painful abscesses and abscesses on the gums.

- Mobility and displacement of teeth.

What to do if I have periodontitis?

The first reaction should be to consider that we are dealing with a very serious dental problembut which has a solution, and the quicker we visit the periodontist, the more effective the solution. A detailed clinical, radiological and sometimes microbiological examination will give us the necessary information to develop a specific and effective treatment. Once gingivitis or periodontitis has been diagnosed, it is cured with meticulous periodontal treatment, sometimes supported by specific medication. The new techniques of mydrosurgery allow a more precise and conservative treatment, and the healing process after the intervention is much shorter.

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